The terra plena fund


Unless you are somehow involved in growing food, you wouldn't know that the survival of our world’s population depends on the top few centimetres of humus covering the earth’s surface. Humus is the foundation of healthy soil, the basis of healthy food and the key to healthy people and it’s quickly being lost due to destructive agricultural practices. These practices permanently damage the natural mechanisms that lead to fertile soil formation and as a result, soils have now lost 30% to 70% of their original carbon content, which remains in the atmosphere as CO2 and overheats the earth.

This destruction of assets, which is tantamount to the destruction of trillions of dollars of wealth, can be reversed by restoring and preserving natural soil fertility.

This is why we are proposing a program where we fast-track humus production. You can be part of this innovative initiative on a level which suits you!

Who are we?

The BHS Biocyclic Humus Soil GmbH company was founded as a subsidiary of BNI BIOCYCLIC NETWORK INVEST LTD to deal with the creation, trading and preservation of Biocyclic Humus Soil using purely plant-based materials according to Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach as part of the International Biocyclic Humus Soil Initiative. In close cooperation with Biocyclic Park PC in Kalamata (Greece), the headquarters of an international network of compost producers and biocyclic vegan growers, we are coordinating the International Biocyclic Humus Soil Alliance, a network of scientific institutes and private or public organisations involved in research on Biocyclic Humus Soil and its application in agriculture. Within this framework, the creation and preservation
of Biocyclic Humus Soil is organised and supervised worldwide.

Some definitions are necessary...

Fertile soil is a carbon-rich material occurring in natural ecosystems in which plants find ideal conditions to grow with the highest possible production rate of biomass depending on the specific environmental conditions of the location. The absence of water-soluble nutrients in nature forces species-rich plant communities to move CO2 from the atmosphere into the soil during their growth to supply specialised soil microorganisms with energy. In return, the soil microorganisms provide plants with nutrients originating either from the atmosphere (e.g., nitrogen-fixing bacteria), or from organic matter or even minerals available in the soil. In nature, this biocyclic process (closing of organic matter and energy cycles) is permanent and it may take centuries until it leads to the creation of carbon-rich, fertile soils. Along with water, air and sunlight, fertile soil is one of the elementary prerequisites for human life on earth. Biocyclic Humus Soil is fertile soil generated by exactly the above-mentioned natural mechanisms but accelerated due to a combination of organic matter decomposition (composting) and carbon-based fertility build-up processes (plant growth under biocyclic vegan principles).

Biocyclic Humus Soil production is a 3-step process:

  1. Biocyclic Compost is the natural material produced by the thermophilic digestion of purely plant-based organic materials. After about 4-5 months, the compost begins to ripen. It is now a porous soil conditioner with high biological activity, rich in nutrients and biostimulants. Although the compost can be classified as mature, part of the nutrients can be leached through watering and rain. At this stage, it can be used on arable land and in arboriculture. For vegetables, it is recommended to mix this material with soil, in order to avoid burning the roots of seedlings.

  2. If the compost ripening process continues, the material acquires different properties and becomes, by itself, friendly to the root system. The term
    "Phytoponic Substrate" describes exactly this stage, that is, a compost produced from plant-based materials which can be planted directly without the need to mix other materials (soil, peat, etc.).

  3. If, for a number of years, the Phytoponic Substrate is systematically cultivated with vegetables according to the Biocyclic Vegan Standard using mixed-culture systems and permaculture principles and without supplying any water-soluble fertilisers, then it is gradually transformed into a fully stabilised material in terms of the nutrients and carbon it contains. In other words, it does not run the risk of leaching with watering or rain and sequesters large amounts of carbon in the soil, thus helping to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When the material has acquired these properties, it is called Biocyclic Humus Soil.

Biocyclic Humus Soil (BHS) is the result of a multi-year process of post-maturation through which the material acquires characteristics of naturally fertile soil as a permanent source of fertility leading to an increase in yields up to 3 times higher (see here and here) than what can be achieved with synthetic chemical fertilisers or animal manure. While in nature the formation of fertile soil takes centuries, the creation of BHS is completed after about 5 years under conditions of Biocyclic Vegan Horticulture. It can be used in all stages of plant development as a substrate or even as a soil substitute. This material can be permanently cultivated without needing additional fertilisers!

Refinement is the gradual conversion of the Phytoponic Substrate into Biocyclic Humus Soil. Practically, this means that compost is transformed into Biocyclic Humus Soil if it is permanently planted. According to the Biocyclic Vegan Standard, the plants themselves coordinate and determine the processes that contribute to the gradual transformation of compost into Biocyclic Humus Soil using nature's soil formation mechanisms. In other
words, during the ‘refinement phase’ of the original compost, which can last up to 5 years, fertile soil is built as a result of the interaction of microbes, air, water and the sun, which is coordinated by the plant. Essentially, this means that lasting soil fertility is the result of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!

Since the refinement phase takes about five years, it becomes financially and spatially unviable for Composting Plants to complete the refinement process. So, we developed

  • The terra plena fund, a special trading concept for financial viability in conjunction with a

  • ‘Refinement Program’ to increase spatial availability. In other words, we increase our capacity to produce BHS through specially trained and licenced ‘Refinement Sites’ which host and refine the material so that it develops its regenerative characteristics. This allows the Composting Plants to focus on producing high-quality compost and the Refiners to produce BHS.

What is the terra plena fund?

The terra plena fund develops a trading mechanism for Biocyclic Humus Soil, thereby establishing its regenerative value on the market as a Natural Asset. In other words, we are creating value from, and storing value in, Biocyclic Humus Soil, which is the basis of human life on earth.

Since it is cheaper to regenerate degraded soils or naturally create healthy soils by producing BHS than to compensate the value of lost soil fertility by other technologies, the terra plena fund is a thoroughly realistic and economically viable project with numerous benefits.

Ways you can participate

You can participate in the terra plena fund in many ways, depending on your individual capacity, as a:

  • Soil Curator (your initial financial investment enables the refinement process)
  • Refiner (enjoy the benefits of BHS by participating in the Refinement Program)
  • Ambassador (earn an income by promoting the terra plena fund to new ‘Soil Curators’)
  • Compost Producer (produce the compost to be refined and get payed by the fund)
  • Trader (benefit from storing your money in a natural asset and/or trading with it)

Aims of the terra plena fund

The terra plena fund aims to promote the creation of Biocyclic Humus Soil worldwide so that we can once again live in harmony with nature’s cycles.

We achieve this by building a global network of Composting Plants and Refinement Sites and by creating new economic cycles which ensure a regional supply of bio-active nutrient-rich food. An investment in Biocyclic Humus Soil therefore secures and generates wealth whilst making a valuable contribution to improving our nutrition and health and at the same time to mitigating global warming impacts.

If we look back in time, money was always created by exploiting earth’s natural resources. We are now in a position to create more money by caring for natural processes and creating more natural resources!

By choosing to participate in the terra plena fund, we are making an ethical choice that can change the course of our world. At this crucial junction in time, when there are so many fast money-making choices available and where ethical choices are barely heard, we are called to vote on the future we want to live in, with the power of our time and money.

We can choose to transform the quality and taste of our food and be part of a revolution that starts literally on the ground and offers new perspectives for the agriculture of the future, such as urban farming, vertical farming or greening desert regions or wastelands.

We can choose to create a stable currency that is based on the most valuable raw material we have. The effects of Biocyclic Humus Soil are beneficial for the well-being of our earth and its inhabitants and can form the foundation for an abundant, flavourful and colourful world. This humus is our wealth and the basis of our health!

As our friend, Tina Lymberis, also known as the composing composter Kompostina, says,

'If you see the possibility, it’s your responsibility!'

Video: Biocyclic Humus Soil – a game changer for future agriculture

More information in English will follow soon...

If you wish, you can already register in the German section of the website to invest. All content of this website will be translated step by step. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions (


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